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Friday 13 August 2021

What Is Wrong With Expediency Abortions

1. Introduction. In the year I was born my mother had had all the right to have me, her first-born, aborted, since I was what ‘old-timers’ would have called the product of a ‘shotgun wedding’, i.e. on her wedding day my mother was already two months pregnant with me and, in today’s climate, would have been perfectly ‘justified’ to have had me aborted; thank God she didn’t. Today I am the proud father of a son who is an industrial engineer and project manager at a large multinational in South Africa, and a daughter who is fulltime missionary in Europe who speaks three European languages fluently and is now learning a fourth.
   When I was two years old, my mother lost her baby (a boy) four days after birth. What angered my already distraught mother most was when the doctors came to ask her to ‘donate the organs of the deceased to 'research’; reportedly she chased them out of the room like dogs.
   In 1978 when our first child was expected to be born, my wife one day has had to visit her doctor for some surgery on her foot. Oblivious to her and her GP (the surgeon) she went under the anaesthetic twelve weeks pregnant and about a week later the child was lost, discarded in the hospital’s incinerator like vermin. What would he have looked like? His wife? What about my other children and the lost (noisy and exuberant) little cousins and playmates at Christmas and on birthdays? Today I still mourn my lost brother and child, but am looking forward to meet them in Eternity, God wills.

2. Why expediency-abortions are wrong. Some notes:

2.1 Shedding innocent blood. God hates hands that shed innocent blood (the unborn are innocent, aren’t they?). 

   "These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren ... Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law? They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, and condemn the innocent blood." [Psalm6:16-19; 94:20-21].

2.2 A lonely old age. The mother of the aborted child will have to grow old alone and miserable with nobody to send a Christmas or birthday card to; or, even worse, with no one to look after her in old age or dread disease. 

2.3 Liquidating new club members. What future does a club have that 'liquidates' its newest members at birth? Do the math: In years to come who will march for 'ProChoice' during rallies and demonstrations? And how ironic that the only reason for Betty's existence as a 'ProChoice' supporter of expediency abortions is the fact that she herself was born in an era when mothers (and most governments) still considered life sacred and babies precious gifts from God.   

2.4 Killing the geniuses. There is a good chance that the genius that would have discovered a vaccine for the Coronavirus in time for January 2020 to prevent this murderous Covid-19 pandemic was killed in a basement abortion mill during the 1980s.

2.5 The Great White Throne Judgment. On Judgment Day millions of (expediently) aborted babies will stand before a Holy God to give prima facie eyewitness testimony to their mass murder during their brief sojourn on earth. Furthermore, the rattled mothers of those babies will have to stare them in the eye and explain to them why they were ashamed of expecting them during pregnancy when they were still sheltered in a sacred shell that was supposed to have been the clinically most cloistered, securest nest in the Universe, with the words 'shame' and 'embarrassment' on that moment probably elevated to a whole new level.

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