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Monday 23 August 2021

Why Biological Female Athletes Should Refuse To Compete Against Biological Male Athletes

1. Proposition #1. It’s your body, remember? The first principle of assertiveness in interacting with others is: You decide how people treat you, not they. This issue of ‘transgender males’ in womens’ sports will be decided by the female athletes themselves, not by Courts of Law or Athletics Federations ... simply walk off the field and refuse to run. Do the math: Without female athletes there won't be any female athletics.

2. Proposition #2. It is not ‘gender equality’. On the contrary is it gender inequality ... real gender equality is e.g. when a woman is paid the same wage the man gets in the same type of position with the same pay grade, obviously allowing for a sliding scale i.r.o. experience, skills level, promotion when it is deserved  etc.
   It is an anthropologically incorrect & invalid way of trying to ensure ‘gender equality’. ‘Gender equality’ is only possible where both genders (male & female) are involved. Leftists are forever trying to ‘equalise’ the equation by trying to blur the lines between male & female. 
   Do the math: How can there be ‘gender equality’ with only one (hybrid) gender in the mix? (It’s like saying the elephant’s trunk is of ‘equal length’). True ‘gender equality’ requires at least two separate and clearly (biological) different genders; that is why there is an ‘issue’ about the whole thing.
   But what if the biological male should say that although he is biologically male he nevertheless 'identifies' with a biologically female? Well, that would be as absurd as Woody Allen trying to get into the latest Batman film (as Batman) by telling Hollywood agencies that he 'identifies' with Batman (be reasonable).

4. Proposition #4. Leftists have no moral compass. Those Leftists who are trying to force (biological) female athletes to compete against (biological) male athletes have, with their dismissal of the Bible as an antiquated, obsolete fairy tale and God as a Jewish myth, elevated ‘political correctness‘ to a level higher than the Bible, God and the time-tested  Judeo Christian values so entrenched in the justice systems and jurisprudence of the West, i.e. Roman-Dutch Law, Scots-English Law etc. 'Political correctness' does not necessarily always equate to 'moral correctness' but rather to political expedience.

5. Proposition #5. It denies the science. Sports biologists tell us that it denies the science, i.e. the fact of the prevalence of higher testosterone levels in male athletes than in female athletes, even when male athletes do not necessarily always win in such events.
   If anything, female athletes should be allowed to compete voluntarily against male athletes, because that would theoretically still be fair, but never vice versa. Having said that, however, even that should not be legally allowed, because Leftists can sometimes be cunningly innovative and creative and even then may find a way of objecting and 'proving' that it is not 'gender equality' and thus 'not fair'. So, better to leave that can of worms unopened ... our civil courts are busy enough as it is.  

6. Proposition #6. The idea ought to infuriate real male athletes. It ought to be a foreign and outrageous idea to (biological) male athletes. I mean, what kind of a man, equipped with all the features of a testosterone driven biological male, gets his kicks from beating women in an athletics event? Athletics is one thing, but what about wrestling, boxing and contact sports of the rougher kind? Also, let’s not talk about the transhumanist’s ‘hormone suppressors’ … that’s way out perverse and 'medicine men' (snake oil salesmen) who prescribe that to the underage kids of deluded parents in school to 'enhance their chances' and further affirm their wrong ideas about themselves ought to be defrocked yesterday.

7. Proposition #7. Men & Women are EQUAL but DIFFERENT. In God’s eyes men and women are equal but different, and what better gender equality than that? The bottom line is simple: Female athletes should stop the rot before it’s too late, or they will be wrestling against male wrestlers at the next Olympics under Olympic Committee compulsion and rules. The Bible teaches:

   "There cannot be Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is no male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise."
   "For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. But she will be kept safe through childbearing, if they continue in faith and love and holiness with sensibleness." 
   "Likewise, husbands, live together according to knowledge, giving honor to the wife as to the weaker vessel, the female, as truly being co-heirs together of the grace of life, not cutting off your prayers."  [Galatians3:28-29;1Timothy2:13-15; 1Peter3:7]. 

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