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Tuesday 21 May 2024

Evangelical Christianity: EbooksPDF Store - EvangelismRSA


"The person who does not read, is no better off than a person who cannot read."

(Stephen Covey, 'The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People').

EbooksPDF for Sale
EbooksPDF: Christian Literature for Serious Christians

(US$, International Payments Accepted)

Item #001: Christianity: Saviour on a Mission


(ZAR R79.00)

(click on image for more info)


Item #002: Christianity: The Invitation Still Stands


ZAR 79.00

(click on image for more info)


Item #003: Christianity: Fighting the Good Fight


ZAR 79.00

(click on image for more info)


Item #004: Christianity: Keeping the Faith


ZAR 79.00

click on image for more info)



ZAR 79.00

(click on image for more info)



ZAR 79.00 

(click on image for more info )



Item #007: Choosing the Right Side of History


ZAR 79.00

(click on image for more info)


Item #008: Christianity vs. Atheism: Rebuttal of Bertrand Russell's 'Why I Am Not A Christian'


ZAR 79.00

(click on image for more info)


The Case for a Biblical Creation


ZAR 79.00

(click on image for more info)


Item #010: Debunking the Myth of Atheism-Evolutionism 


ZAR 79.00

Available from 15 July 2924

(click on imagefor more info )


Item #011: Hope for Atheists : With God All Things Are Possible 


ZAR 79.00

(click on image for more info )


Item #012: Geanker in die Rots Jesus Christus


ZAR 79.00

Available from 15 July 2924/Beskikbaar vanaf 15 Julie 2024

(kliek op beeld vir verdere inligting)


Item #013: Terug na Genesis! 


ZAR 79.00

Available from 15 July 2924/Beskikbaar vanaf 15 Julie 2024

(kliek op beeld vir verdere inligting)


Item #014: Die Memoirs van Sannie Stassen!  



(kliek op beeld vir verdere inligting)

Available from 15 July 2924/Beskikbaar vanaf 15 Julie 2024


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