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Monday, 9 August 2021

The Toxicity Of The Proposed Ban On 'Conversion Therapy'

1. The Leftist madness proliferates. The recent call for a ban on so-called ‘conversion therapy’ has set the warning bells off immediately; what is to happen to the sacrosanct principle and inalienable right to ‘free speech’ and ‘freedom-of-religion’ in the democracies; are we going completely ‘demo-crazy’? Do Freud and Darwin crazed 'psychologists' (sic)  want the West to 'morph' into one gigantic UN-driven police state? For instance, should the call for a ban on conversion-therapy (sic) ever succeed: 

1.1 Will Billy Graham’s historical, worldwide gospel crusades (preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ) in future be classified as (en masse) ‘conversion therapy’?

1.2 Will Christian pastors, evangelists, missionaries, teachers & apologists preachig the gospel and teaching the Holy Scriptures from pulpits and the backs of trucks in future be considered as ‘conversion therapists’?

1.3 Will no consenting adult ever again be allowed to exercise his constitutional rights to ‘free choice’ in the market of ideas to seek the services of professionals in the field of Pastoral Counselling for voluntary (so-called) ‘conversion therapy’ (sic) for whatever reason?

1.4 Will ‘Sunday School’ in the Christian movement everywhere also be reclassified as ‘conversion therapy’ (sic) ?) and outlawed?

1.5 Are the democracies in the West transmogrifying into police states and despotic regimes where they will coerce citizens (at the barrel of the ‘legal’ gun!) into what categories of life-choices to make, which lifestyles to adopt and whose lives and examples to emulate as role models?

1.6 Will any salesmen of the future be forbidden to ‘coerce’ (‘conversion therapy’!) prospects in general into buying their products and/or preferred brands (e.g. real estate, toothpaste, cell-phone, car, shoes, denim jeans etc.) in the market place in any kind of industry for that matter?

1.7 Are they going to ban and withdraw and blacklist every Christian book ever written, including the Bible (100 million sold annually and the ultimate source of the most successful so-called  'conversion therapy' ever)?

2. The corollary is also true. Such a ban, however, won't be a walk in the park and 'paradise' for those Freud & Darwin driven 'psycologists' (sic) calling for it in the first place either; just imagine when the consequences of such a 'ban' begins to kick in with a vengeance; but, this time around for those who had been the sinister forces behind it in the first place, i.e. those forces of darkness who lobby for and sponsor the very people with the political and legal power to enforce such a ban, e.g. when no atheist, secular humanist, Freud & Darwin driven psychologist or religious cult from the suburbs will ever again be allowed to persuade a client, follower, subscriber or confused patient etc. to join their movement or practice and to drop Christianity for its diabolical aims and ends.
   Do the math: Do they really think that the worldwide Christian movement will ever allow them to practice their sick brand of (reverse) 'conversion therapy' on people at large in peace? Bear in mind that Jesus Christ has promised His Church ('Ekklesia') that, "the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the Church." The neo-pagans of modern society should think twice before attempting to wake the giant that is Evangelical Christianity.

3. The toxicity of the 'ban' explained. Any such proposed ban on so-called ‘conversion therapy’ will open a can of worms no government and/or justice system will ever be able to coherently contain, manage or control, and the potential ramifications (i.e. 'socio-cultural nuclear fall-out’) envisaged to result from such a draconic clampdown on peoples’ freedom to think for themselves will probably be astronomical, on a pandemic scale.
   Bear in mind that, should such a ban ever see the light of day and Christians should choose not to litigate (which is 100% unlikely) the secular humanist psychologists of society, with their toxic (Freud & Darwin driven) emphasis on (i) ‘human reason’, (ii) ‘secular ethics’ and (iii) ‘philosophical naturalism’, i.e. people who reject the Holy Moral Compass of the Bible and Judeo-Christian values with contempt, would have the absolute, unfettered monopoly to mess around with such already confused peoples’ minds, and Heaven forbid.

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