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Sunday 8 August 2021

The Story Of How Evolution Almost Really Happened

[Examples of how evolutionists are trying to sell ordinary adaptive environmental changes in animals over time as 'Evolution' to a gullible public].

1. Examples of how Evolution almost happened. According to the experts, “Evolution is the interaction between genetic changes and natural selection also know as the ‘survival of the fittest’. Charles Darwin famously studied various species to determine how environmental adaptations allowed them to survive.” [YourDictionary]. Examples:

1.1 The Peppered Moth. “This light-colored moth became darker after the Industrial Revolution due to the pollution of the time … the lighter color returned to the population when pollution declined.” [YourDictionary].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ across ‘kinds’ (of animals) happened; in the end the peppered moth was still an insect. It did not change into another kind of insect or animal (have you ever seen a non-moth change into a moth?).

1.2 Brightly Coloured Peacocks. “Brightly colored peacocks females always choose the male peacock with the brightest colored feathers. The genes for bright features are passed down to male offspring, who also have a better chance of finding a mate and passing down their genes.” [YourDictionary].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ across ‘kinds’ happened; in the end the peacock will still be a bird (peacock). Have you ever seen a non-bird change into a bird or a non-peacock turn into a peacock?).

1.3 Flightless Birds. “Over many generations, ostriches and emus evolved to have larger bodies and feet made for running on land, which left them without the ability (or need) to fly … The same goes for penguins, who traded typical wings for swim-friendly flippers over many thousands of generations.” [YourDictionary].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ across ‘kinds’ happened; in the end the ostrich was still a bird (ostrich) and the penguin still a bird (penguin). Have you ever seen a non-bird turn into a bird, a non-ostrich turn into an ostrich or a non-penguin turn into a penguin?

1.4 Pesticide Resistant Insects. ”Certain insects will experience a gene mutation to develop immunity to it (pesticides) and those insects will reproduce. This happens very quickly, within a few generations, since the generation length for insects is short.” [YourDictionary].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ across ‘kinds’ happened; in the end the pesticide resistant insects were still insects (Have you ever seen a non-insect turn into an insect?).

1.5 Blue Moon Butterfly. “The Blue Moon Butterfly on the Samoan islands was attacked by a parasite, which destroyed male embryos. This changed the balance of male and female but that was remedied within 10 generations. This is because the few male moths that were immune lived to breed.” [YourDictionary].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ across ‘kinds’ happened; in the end the Blue Moon Butterfly was still an insect (butterfly). Have you ever seen a non-insect turn into an insect or a non-butterfly turn into a butterfly?

1.6 Deer Mouse. “Deer mice used to be dark-colored when they primarily lived in the woods. However, a portion of the population split away several thousand years ago and found a new habitat in the sandhills. These deer mice are lighter, having evolved over thousands of years to match their surroundings. Meanwhile, the dark deer mice have been deprived of these light genes and continue to have dark-colored offspring.” [YourDictionary].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ across ‘kinds’ happened; in the end the (dear) deer mice were all still rodents (mammals, i.e. deer mice). Have you ever seen a non-rodent turn into a rodent or a non-mouse turn into a mouse?

1.7 Mexican Cavefish. “Mexican cavefish once had eyes, but in the caves, eyes were no longer necessary. They have also lost their pigmentation because they no longer need camouflage from predators. This is an example of regressive evolution, the belief that ‘if you don't use it, you lose it’ when it comes to traits.” [YourDictionary].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution across ‘kinds’ happened; in the end the cavefish were still fish (cavefish). Have you ever seen a non-fish turn into a fish?

1.8 Warrior Ants. “These ants have a chemical signal that identifies their colony. Some ants learned to imitate this signal from another colony, so they can attack a colony and take over. The worker ants will not even realize there has been an invasion and continue to work.” [YourDictionary].

👉P.S. No ’Evolution’ across ‘kinds’ happened; in the end the stakeholders in the colony were all still insects (ants). Have you ever seen a non-ant turn into an ant?

1.9 Pink Salmon. According to the Smithsonian Magazine migratory 'behaviour patterns in animals (ascribed to environmental factors) cause fish such as Pink Salmon to swim from the ocean up freshwater streams to spawn where warmer waters make earlier migrating fish more resilient helping fish populations to hold steady over decades.' [SmithsonianMagazine].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ has happened across ‘kinds’; in the final analysis the Pink Salmon are still fish. Have you ever seen a non-fish turn into a fish?

1.10 Tawny Owls. “With milder winters in Finland, one population of tawny owls showed a significant uptick in brown-plumed owls over the last 28 years, according to a 2011 Nature Communications study. The researchers also saw a nationwide increase in brown owls over the last 48 years. It makes sense that natural selection might favor brown coloration: With less snow, brown owls are better at blending in with the surrounding forest, giving those birds a better chance to survive and reproduce.” [Smithsonian Magazine].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ happened across ‘kinds’; in the end the owls were still birds. Have you ever seen a non-bird turn into a bird or a non-owl turn into an owl?

1.11 Pitcher Plant Mosquitoes. “In the bogs of eastern North America, the larvae of pitcher plant mosquitoes (Wyeomyia smithii) hibernate in winter and blossom into fully grown adults come spring, when they thrive on the nectar inside their namesake plants. As the days grow shorter, the mosquitoes are genetically program-med to hibernate. Mosquitos at the southern end of the species’ range had already adapted to delay hibernation based on the longer growing season. But now northern populations are also hibernating later as global temperatures rise.” [SmithsonianMagazine].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ happened across ‘kinds’; in the end the adapted Pitcher Plant Mosquitoes were all still mosquitoes (have you ever seen a non-mosquito turn into a mosquito?). The term ‘genitically programmed’, by the way, demands an Intelligent Genetical Programmer.

1.12 Banded Snails. "Darker shells of Banded Snails provide better camouflage in Europe’s warmer temperatures where shell colouration is determined not only by genes, but also by body temperature." [SmithsonianMagazine].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ happened across ‘kinds’; in the end the Banded Snails were still snails (have you ever seen a non-snail turn into a snail?).

1.13 Sockeye Salmon. “In the Columbia River, sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) are migrating earlier every year in the spring and early summer to spawn … Evolution in response to higher water temperatures proved the most likely explanation for about two-thirds of the shift, while individual adaptation to river flow changes could explain the rest.” [Smithsonian-Magazine].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ happened across ‘kinds’; in the end the Sockeye Salmon were still fish (have you ever seen a non-fish turn into a fish?).

1.14 Red Squirrels. The southwest Yukon has seen increasingly warm springs and a drier environment, encouraging white spruce trees to produce more cones—and giving North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) more to eat. In red squirrels, the more cones females eat in the fall, the earlier they give birth … Birthing time can vary a bit, but the team argues that the data can only be explained if at least some of the shift is attributed to genetic changes inherited over generations.” [Smithsonian-Magazine].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ happened across 'kinds'; in the end the Red Squirrels were still squirrels (have you ever seen a non-squirrel turn into a squirrel?).

1.15 Fruit Flies. "Species can vary a lot based on their geography. In the case of the common fruit fly … genetic variants correspond to populations living at different latitudes, and specific enzyme mutations can serve as biomarkers … Southern Australia is more temperate and tropical, while northern Australia is dry and hot. The team found that many fruit flies living in Southern Australia now have the genetic mutations common in more northern populations—as if they’d moved nearly 4 degrees in latitude. Scientists suggest that these changes are linked to coping with a warmer and drier climate and researchers have found similar trends in Europe and North America.” [SmithsonianMagazine].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ happened across ‘kinds’; in the end the Fruit Flies were still fruit flies (insects). Have you ever seen a non-insect turn into an insect or a non-fruitfly turn into a fruitfly?).

1.16 From Stray Dogs to ‘Wolves’. "Stray dogs neglected by humans over time ‘evolve’ (sic) more ‘wolflike’ traits, e.g. by becoming more unfriendly toward humans and developing better navigation skills." [BusinessInsider].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ has happened across ‘kinds’; in the end the stray dogs were still dogs (have you ever seen a a non-canine turn into a canine or a non-dog turn into a dog?).

1.17 Interbreeding Dogs. "Some dog-owners have learned to mix and match certain dog breeds giving rise to such ‘products’ as ‘labradoodles’ (Labrador + poodle) and ‘cockapoos’." [BusinessInsider].

👉P.S. They call this ‘Evolution’? No ‘Evolution’ has happened across ‘kinds’; in the end the new (hybrid) breeds (bred by intelligent designer owners, by the way) were still dogs (have you ever seen a non-dog turn into a dog or a non-canine turn into a canine?).

1.18 Mice Interbreeding. "When the Algerian Mouse (mus spretus) mate with the common House Mouse (mus musculus) pups born from such unions are still fertile and that the breed will develop immunity against ‘warfarin’ (pesticides)." [BusinessInsider].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ has happened across ‘kinds; in the end the new breeds were still mice (have you ever seen a non-mouse turn into a mouse or a non-rodent turn into a rodent?).

1.19 ‘Clepto’ Sea Slugs. "Sea slugs will ‘steal’ (sic) genes and chloroplasts from the algae they eat; this stolen genes and chloroplast are then incorporated into their own DNA enabling them to live for days on end on nothing but sunshine. These algae genes get passed onto the next generation of slugs thus bypassing ‘traditional Evolution’ (sic)." [BusinessInsider].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ has happened across ‘kinds’; in the end the new generation of sea slugs are still slugs (have you ever seen a non-seaslug turn into a sea-slug?).

1.20 Bedbugs ‘Evolution’. "'City-dwelling bedbugs’ will over time a complete ‘separate species’ of bedbug than its ‘cave-dwelling cousins’ who will have developed a waxier exoskeleton and a faster metabolism to enhance its natural chemical defences." [BusinessInsider].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ has happened across ‘kinds’; in the end the bedbugs are still insects (bedbugs). Have you ever seen a non-insect turn into an insect or a non-bedbug turn into a bedbug?).

1.21 Wolf & Coyote. ”A new hybrid of the coyote and the wolf, or coywolf, that first emerged in the last few decades is now coming out in droves in the Northeastern US. About 2/3 of the coywolves’ DNA is from wolves, while another 1/4 is from coyotes. The remainder is from domesticated dogs. But nothing about these animals is domestic. They’re even bigger than either their wolf or coyote ancestors, weighing in at as much as 140 pounds. They’re also social, like wolves, meaning they tend to hunt inpacks.” [BusinessInsider].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ has happened across ‘kinds’; in the end the coyotes were still coyotes interbred with wolves to give coywolves, a new hybrid but still the same ‘kind’ of animal (have you ever seen a non-canine turn into a canine?).

1.22 A Fishy Story. “When New Yorkers started dumping PCBs (a type of industrial toxin) in the Hudson River in 1929, they wiped out a large majority of its wildlife. But at least one species survived — and thrived. Over the span of a few decades (PCBs were banned in 1979) a fish called the tomcod evolved to resist the poison via natural selection. Fish with a special set of genes that make a key poison-shielding protein were the only critters to survive the toxic onslaught. They, in turn, passed their protective genes onto their offspring.” [BusinessInsider].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ has happened across ‘kinds’; in the end the new generation of fish were still fish (have you ever seen a non-fish turn into a fish?).

1.23 Invasive Amphibian. “About 75 years ago, the Australian sugar bureau decided to lug a handful of South American cane toads from Hawaii to Australia with the idea that they'd rid the country of the sugarcane-devouring cane beetle. On their new continent, where they lacked their natural predators, the toad population immediately exploded … these toads expanded rapidly, likely because of several adaptive traits that allowed them to travel faster and farther. When they mate, they pass their longer legs onto their offspring.” [BusinessInsider].

👉P.S. No ‘Evolution’ has happened across ‘kinds’; in the end the toads were still toads (have you ever seen a non-toad turn into a toad or a non-amphibian into an amphibian?).

2. Conclusion. For atheist-evolutionists to build a ‘science’ on ‘unobservable-in-action’ fossil evidence so ancient & antiquated ('millions of years' old) and supported only by mundane biological references to ‘adaptation’ and ‘speciation’ in nature (in other words, totally unverifiable and unfalsifiable evidence) and then insist that humans share a ‘common ancestor’ with primates is preposterous.
   Do the math: The many remarkable resemblances between man and the primates (man is not a 'primate') is the fact that humans and the primates (and all animals for that matter) do not share a ‘common’ (mutual) 'ANCESTOR' but rather share a 'common' (mutual) CREATOR.

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