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Sunday 4 July 2021

Atheism's Elephant In The Room

1. The Elephant in the Room. I apologise for this ‘misnomer’; it actually should read a ‘herd of elephants’, i.e. those red-herring issues that the atheists conveniently choose to ignore as too perplexingly embarrassing to acknowledge in public. Examples:

1.1 The Bible. After literally millenniums of attacks, abuse and efforts to destroy it, the Bible, the Church (‘Ecclesia’) and God’s Moral Compass for mankind, stubbornly refuses to go away and leave them alone.

1.2 The Jew & Israel. The most obvious ‘empirical evidence’ in support of the historicity and authenticity of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, is the very phenomenon of the Jew, especially after the independence of the fledgling nation of Israel (1948), exactly as prophets from Biblical times and in the Bible had prophesied.

1.3 The Gospel and Prophecies of Jesus Christ.  No informed person today will deny the success of the Gospel; in communism-driven China alone Christianity is growing at 7% p.a. and, according to a recent BBC report, by 2030 more than 50% of Chinese citizens are expected to be Christians. The very escalation of the persecution of Christians and presence of wars, rumours of wars, earthquakes etc. serve to affirm the veracity of Christ’s prophecies i.r.o. the ‘end times’ ('Eschatology').

1.4 Darwinism. One ‘elephant’ in the room that many an exasperating atheist would have gotten rid of years ago had the darn animal not ingratiated itself into their lives as this maca-bre Dead Poets Society of a hopeless ideology, i.e. no Hereafter (‘death after death’) and no prospects for the future but to be recycled back into nature at death as compost for the next generation of cynical ‘evolutionists’.

1.5 Mankind's Persistent 100% Mortality Rate. After 'billions of years' of 'Cosmic & Stellar Evolution' (sic) and  'millions of years' of 'Human Evolution' (sic) the evolutionists still can promise us, at best, the same old 100% mortality rate for every generation on every continent of planet earth ...  'Evolution' just can't seem to get it right, does it?

2. The Ultimate Irony.  When the atheist is challenged over the merit of his ‘belief system’, he is quick to retort that he is perfectly content (if not deliriously happy) in the twilight of his cheer-less worldview. The point is that, if this were true, why would he reject the only person in the Universe (Jesus Christ) who has the stature to make his happiness (true, authentic happiness) a glorious, ETERNAL affair?  Why do they insist on rejecting the only Person with the KEY to ETERNAL FIVE-STAR QUALITY HAPPINESS? 

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