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Sunday 4 July 2021

Atheism: The Epitome Of Pitiless Indifference

1. Profile Of An Atheist. Generalising now, one could safely assume that the average atheist argues from the ‘four pillars’ of ‘Human Reason’, ‘Secular Ethics’, ‘Philosophical Naturalism’ and the ‘Happy Man Theory’ (with variations on these themes abounding). It could also be said that most atheists’ gripes focus (by and large) on the arguments that Life in the Universe:

● has no meaning;

● has no purpose;

● has no design;

● offers no empathy, only ‘pitiless indifference’ (Dawkins).

2. How the Holocaust has exposed Atheism. During WWII the atheism-driven Nazi regime used human reason (National-Socialist policies & Aryan-driven racial theories, ‘Eugenics science’ etc.) founded on secular ethics (moral relativism) & philosophical naturalism (Darwinism) to pursue its mythical (happy) ‘1000-year Reich’.

   The question is: How did it work for them and the millions they murdered in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau and other death camps? How did it work for the millions of soldiers and civilians who died, which included 27 million Russians? How did they purport to build their happiness on the misery of so many others?  How much meaning, purpose, design and empathy have they contributed to (or stolen from!) the world with their pitiless and brutal (atheism-driven) philosophies & anti-Semitic genocide?

3. Declaring War on God. When Adolf Hitler declared war on the Jews in Germany he declared war on God; he had the cross removed from church steeples and replaced with the swastika and worship in church with the worship of the Führer and the Nazi party. Eminent cle-rics like Martin Niemöller and Dietrich Bonhoeffer were dispatched to concentration camps (Niemöller survived; but Bonhoeffer never returned).

4. Comes Nuremberg. By 1945, however, most of the architects of Nazism (with its ‘pitiless indifference’ toward its hapless victims which included defenceless children and babies) had either committed suicide or were destined for the Nuremberg trials; the natural recompense for those daring to defy the Creator, who has promised Abraham (Abraham >Isaac > Jacob >Israel): 

   “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” [Genesis12:3].

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