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Sunday 4 July 2021

Atheism's Frustrating Dead End

1. Proposition #1: Atheists ‘believe’ in Death-after-Death. At first glance it becomes patently clear that ‘Atheism’ is just another of the many urban religious cults Christians have had to contend with for centuries, with the word ‘believe’ the dead give-away. Be that as it may, bear in mind the fact that atheists believe in ‘Death-after-death’ since they reject the idea of ‘Life-after-Death’ as proposed in the Bible (Hebrew Bible, Old & New Testaments).

2. Proposition #2:  Atheists reject the Judeo-Christian values of Judaism & Christianity. This propensity of the atheists to reject Biblical values is an ideological anomaly of grotesque pro-portions because atheists, by and large, nevertheless believe that e.g. murder, adultery, theft, robbery etc. are wrong and they (including the atheists of Europe and Asia) faithfully support the justice systems that espouse these values everywhere in the world where even a semblance of a ‘civilised’  judiciary is installed. Even the atheist-evolutionist, who believes that man is no more than an evolved, cultured ‘primate’,  still subserviently and sheepishly wears clothes (and even enthusiastically so!) today exactly as God commanded Adam & Eve to do in the Genesis Creation Record of the Bible ... why?

3. Proposition #3:  KnowledgeWisdom comes from the Fear of the LORD. Atheists have rejected the idea of God or an Intelligent Designer of a Creator with most of them having chosen ‘Darwinism’ as their religion-of-choice (“they believe in Evolution!”); thus locking themselves out of that Biblically-supported cosmic wisdom accessible only by those who fear God. The Bible says: 

   The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction." [Proverbs1:7].   

   “And to man He said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom! And to depart from evil is understanding! ” [Job28:28].   

4. Proposition #4: The Deadly Dead End. There is an enormous difference between ‘information', 'knowledge’ & ‘wisdom’. Secular universities may teach all kinds of knowledge, but true cosmic knowledge & wisdom comes from the fear of the LORD, a value despised and rejected by atheists. 

P.S. The multi-million rouble question: How will anyone who does not have the fear, knowledge and wisdom of the LORD ever know that he does not have the knowledge & wisdom of the LORD?

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