1. Why Do South Africans Follow Colonialists? I completely understand why so many South Africans are chagrined by the so-called ‘legacy of colonialism’; my great-grandmother and her family were, along with numerous others, forced by British soldiers (on stallions) to walk from Lichtenburg to a concentration camp in Potchefstroom during the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902, such were the fortunes & ravages of war. Ironically, only twelve years later Boer and Brit were fighting alongside each other in the ‘war to end all wars’, i.e. the ‘Great War’ of 1914-1918; and, if that was not enough, again in WWII (1939-1945). What intrigues me is how many South Africans today, in spite of all the anti-colonialism vitriol & rhetoric, so sheepishly choose to still doggedly follow their colonialist heroes of old. Examples:
- Colonialist KARL MARX (SOCIALISM / COMMUNISM). Why do so many South Africans still want to pursue Marxist ideas when Marxism (Socialism, Communism) has caused so much misery in communist-driven regimes of the twentieth century? Check out the legacy of Marxism-driven Communism:
“There were many mass killings under communist regimes of the 20th century. Death estimates vary widely, depending on the definitions of the deaths that are included in them. The higher estimates of mass killings account for the crimes that governments committed against civilians, including executions, the destruction of populations through man-made hunger and deaths that occurred during forced deportations and imprisonment, and deaths that resulted from forced labor.” [Wikipedia].
P.S. Check out mass killings estimates (some put it at 100 million) at Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masskillings under communist egimes.
- Colonialist BERTRAND RUSSELL (ATHEISM /SECULAR HUMANISM / TRANSHUMANISM / POSTHUMANISM). The ‘doyen’ of atheists who, along with so many other atheists, have, through the religious cult of Atheism, fuelled (and sporadically are still fuelling) the murderous anti-God, anti-Bible communist regimes of the former U.S.S.R, China, East-Bloc countries & elsewhere in the world.
boggles the mind how so many South Africans still flock to ‘Maropeng:
Cradle of Humankind’ to check out their ‘next-of-kin’ (Mrs Ples) at
this Evolution-driven theme-park which was dismissed as a hoax by the court of
worldwide public opinion when it featured just about nowhere in all of the
three categories of Nature, Cities & World in the recent worldwide ‘New Seven Wonders Of The World
Competition’ .
The irony of it all is that how many gullible South Africans (irrespective of race and skin colour and all of whom must surely hate racism of any kind) can go along so eagerly with the evolutionists’ idea that they share a ‘common ancestor’ with primates … the ultimate anthropological insult if ever there was one.
- Colonialist Sigmund FREUD (PSYCHOANALYSIS / PSYCHOTHERAPY). Great on diagnoses (sometimes) but poor on solutions & remedies, this is no worthy replacement for the power of prayer and the grace of a living God and Heavenly Father.
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