Prophecy #1. The Nature and Purpose of His Incarnation. [John3:17;
Prophecy #2. The
Benediction of His Angel Host. [John1:51; Matt4:11; 15:31; Mark1:13].
Prophecy #3. The
Rejection of His Messianic claims by Religious Leaders (Sanhedrin, Sadducees,
Scribes). [Matt21:38,42; Acts4:17].
Prophecy #4. The
Defection of His Disciples (e.g. Peter, Luke, all of the disciples). [Matt26:21;
Prophecy #5. The Martyrdom Of Peter. [John21:18-19;
Prophecy #6. The Preparations for His
Supper. [Mark14:13; 1Cor11:23].
Prophecy #7. His Brutal Treatment by His
Foes. [Mark10:34; Luke18:32].
Prophecy #8. The
Cruel Death He should Die. [Matt20:18-19;
26:2; John12:32].
Prophecy #9. The Burial of His Body. [Matt12:40;
Prophecy #10. The
Resurrection of His Body from the Grave. [Matt26:32; John2:19].
Prophecy #11. His Ascension & Exaltation to Glory. [Luke24:51;
John6:32; 20:17].
Prophecy #12. The
Coming of His Spirit. [John14:26; 15:26; 16:7,8; Acts1:5; 2:1-4].
Prophecy #13. The
Creation of His Church (‘Ekklesia’). [Matt13:45,46;16:18; Acts2:40,47;
Prophecy #14. The
Destruction of Jerusalem. [Matt24:1,2; Luke19:44].
Prophecy #15. The
Universal Ingathering of Souls through His Gospel. [Mark13:10; 6:17;
Prophecy #16. The
Fulfilment of His Predictions. [Matt24:34; 26:23; Mark13:31; 14:8].
Prophecy #17-#18. Continuing
& Developing Apostasy and Appearances of False Christs. [Luke18:8;
2Thess2:1-3; 10:12; 2Pet2:103; Matt24:4,23; Mark13:5].
Prophecy #19-#20. Continuous
Opposition to His Gospel & World Hatred of His Followers. [Matt10:34-36;
Luke12:49-53; Matt18:7; John15:18-21; 16:33].
Prophecy #21-#22. Continuous
Ministry of the Spirit on behalf of & His Intercession in Glory for His
Church.[John7:3739; 14:16,17; 16:7-15].
Prophecy #23. Continuous
Salvation by Grace of Jews & Gentiles. [Luke19:9; John4:22; 10:16;
11:52; Acts13:14, 46].
Prophecy #24. Satanic & Messianic Deception. [Matt24:4,5,11,24].
Prophecy #25. International Wars & Rumours of War. [Matt24:6].
Prophecy #26. Development
of World Confederacies. [Matt24:7].
Prophecy #27. Universal
Catastrophes [Matt24:7].
Prophecy #28. Universal
Anti-Semitism. [Matt24:9,10].
Prophecy #29. Abounding
Iniquity & Spiritual Declension. [Matt24:12].
Prophecy #30.
Jerusalem Compassed about with Armies. [Luke21:20-24].
Prophecy #31.
International Upheavals, Distress & Unrest. [Luke21:25,26].
Prophecy #32.
Manifestation of Jewish & Gentile Nationalism. [Luke21:29-33].
Prophecy #33. Warnings
as to the Snare of Worldliness. [Luke21:34-36].
P.S. Interesting 'coincidence' ... 33 prophecies: One for each year of Jesus Christ's His life (He was crucified aged 33).
“Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.” [Revelation1:7].
Lockyear, Herbert (1973) All the Messianic Prophecies of the Bible. Zondervan Publishing House.
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