Also see 'The Story Of How Evolution Almost Really Happened' [Summary of three articles blended into one].
1. From Stray Dogs to ‘Wolves’. According to stray dogs neglected by humans over time ‘evolve’ (sic) more ‘wolflike’ traits, e.g. by becoming more unfriendly toward humans and developing better navigation skills. [BusinessInsider. Link].
P.S. No ‘Evolution’ has happened across ‘kinds’; in the end the stray dogs were still dogs.
2. Interbreeding Dogs. According to this same website article some dog-owners have learned to mix and match certain dog breeds giving rise to such ‘products’ as ‘labradoodles’ (Labrador + poodle) and ‘cockapoos’. [BusinessInsider].
P.S. They call this
‘Evolution’? No ‘Evolution’ has happened across ‘kinds’; in the end the new
(hybrid) breeds (bred by intelligent designer owners, by the way) were still
3. Mice Interbreeding. The article states that when the Algerian Mouse (mus spretus) mate with the common House Mouse (mus musculus) pups born from such unions are still fertile and that the breed will develop immunity against ‘warfarin’ (pesticides).
P.S. No ‘Evolution’ has happened across ‘kinds; in the end the new breeds were still mice.
4. ‘Clepto’ Sea Slugs. The article states that sea slugs will ‘steal’ (sic) genes and chloroplasts from the algae they eat; this stolen genes and chloroplast are then incorporated into their own DNA enabling them to live for days on end on nothing but sunshine. These algae genes get passed onto the next generation of slugs thus bypassing ‘traditional Evolution’ (sic).
P.S. No ‘Evolution’ has
happened across ‘kinds’; in the end the new generation of sea slugs are still
5. Bedbugs ‘Evolution’. Same article states that ‘city-dwelling bedbugs’ will over time a complete ‘separate species’ of bedbug than its ‘cave-dwelling cousins’ who will have developed a waxier exoskeleton and a faster metabolism to enhance its natural chemical defences.
P.S. No ‘Evolution’ has happened across ‘kinds’; in the end the
bedbugs are still insects (bedbugs).
6. Wolf & Coyote. BusinessInsider writes: ”A new hybrid of the coyote and the wolf, or coywolf, that first emerged in the last few decades is now coming out in droves in the Northeastern US. About 2/3 of the coywolves’ DNA is from wolves, while another 1/4 is from coyotes. The remainder is from domesticated dogs. But nothing about these animals is domestic. They’re even bigger than either their wolf or coyote ancestors, weighing in at as much as 140 pounds. They’re also social, like wolves, meaning they tend to hunt inpacks.” [BusinessInsider].
P.S. No ‘Evolution’ has happened across ‘kinds’; in the end the coyotes were still coyotes interbred with wolves to give coywolves, a new hybrid but still the same ‘kind’ of animal.
7. A Fishy Story. BusinessInsider writes: “When New Yorkers started dumping PCBs (a type of industrial toxin) in the Hudson River in 1929, they wiped out a large majority of its wildlife. But at least one species survived — and thrived. Over the span of a few decades (PCBs were banned in 1979) a fish called the tomcod evolved to resist the poison via natural selection. Fish with a special set of genes that make a key poison-shielding protein were the only critters to survive the toxic onslaught. They, in turn, passed their protective genes onto their offspring.” [BusinessInsider].
P.S. No ‘Evolution’ has happened across
‘kinds’; in the end the new generation of fish were still fish.
8. Invasive Amphibian. “About 75 years ago, the Australian sugar bureau decided to lug a handful of South American cane toads from Hawaii to Australia with the idea that they'd rid the country of the sugarcane-devouring cane beetle. On their new continent, where they lacked their natural predators, the toad population immediately exploded … these toads expanded rapidly, likely because of several adaptive traits that allowed them to travel faster and farther. When they mate, they pass their longer legs onto their offspring.” [Business-Insider].
P.S. No ‘Evolution’ has happened across ‘kinds’; in the end the toads were still toads.
Conclusion. Citing examples of how ‘adaptation’ & ‘speciation’ occur among animals in nature is not conclusive proof for 'Evolution' across ‘kinds’.
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