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Tuesday 6 July 2021

Cosmos Or Chaos?

1. Definining Cosmos & Chaos.

Cosmos: “The word is generally used to suggest an orderly or harmonious universe, as it was originally used by Pythagoras in the 6th century B.C.” [Merriam-Webster].

Chaos: “A confused mass or mixture … A state of things in which chance is supreme especially: the con-fused unorganized state of primordial matter before the creation of distinct forms … the inherent un predictability in the behavior of a complex natural system …” [Merriam-Webster].

2. What Christians believe. Christians believe in Life-after-Death and that God (i.e. the ‘YHWH’ of Moses and Mt. Sinai) created, maintains and manages the Universe (i.e. the ‘orderly and harmonious Cosmos’): 

   “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and measured out the heavens with a span? And who has shut up the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance? … I have made the earth and created man on it; I with My hands have stretched out the heavens; and all their host have I commanded.” [Isaiah40:12; 45:12].

3. What Atheist-Evolutionists ('Scientific Pantheists') believe. Atheist-evolutionists (scientific pantheists) ‘believe’ (!) in Death-after-Death and that the Universe (the ‘Chaos’, they should say) was created and is managed and maintained by the sheer serendipitous accident and random chance of ‘natural forces’ without any specific intelligently-designed reason or purpose in mind and without the help of any so-called ‘Intelligent Designer’ or ‘Almighty Creator’ (God).

4. Biogenesis vs. Spontaneous Regeneration. Christians thus support the idea of biogenesis i.e. (perishable) ‘BIOS’ life driven and upheld by God’s pre-existing (imperishable) ‘ZOE’ Life. Thanks to God’s ‘ZOE’ life, Jesus Christ was raised from the dead within only three days, whereas evolutionists, after millions of years of so-called ‘evolution’ and centuries of the study of ‘Darwinism’, can still (at best) only promise us (i) Death-after-Death and (ii) a 100% mortality rate for all forms of life for every generation alive on earth and with no better promise forthcoming.

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