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Tuesday 6 July 2021

Cleopatra: Queen Of Denial

1. As in the Days of Noah. It would appear as if mankind has entered a phase in history that could, at best, be described as ‘reckless’, a phase reminiscent of the days of Noah and Elijah in old Israel. For instance is life these days being redefined by ‘men-of-science’ in white dust-coats donning thick glasses, i.e. men who breathe the atmosphere of methylated spirits, ether and secular humanist literature almost every day and who defiantly read Russell, Darwin, Marx, Voltaire, Paine, Gould, Huxley, Hawking, Nye and Dawkins. Their biggest enemies? The theologians, evangelicals and Christian apologists, missionaries, preachers, Christian authors and pastors who daily breathe the atmosphere of prayer, consecration and the study of the Holy Scriptures.

2. Scientific Pantheism? These architects of the modern, suburban religious-cult of atheism-evolutionism ('scientific pantheism') have declared God either 'evil', ‘dead’ and/or ‘obsolete’, while denying e.g. any idea of intelligent design, an Intelligent Designer and/or any Moral Absolutes. In this era of deadly pandemics and the Coronavirus scourge it still has not dawned on them that those geniuses who may have developed a vaccine for the virus in time for January 2019 probably already may have perished in an ungodly abortion mill back in 1980. Driven by a resolute, non-negotiable faith in their de facto ‘messiah’, Charles Darwin, they (metaphorically speaking) adamantly insist on worshipping at the shrine of Evolution, their (alternative) blind, dumb, brainless ‘creator-of-choice’of the Universe by the mysterious alchemy of random biological accident and pure statistical chance over ‘billions of years’.

3. The Unholy Triumvirate. Whereas Evangelical Christians have embraced the worship of the Holy Trinity  (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit), the scientific pantheists (atheist-evolutionists) have settled for the mediocre Plan B, i.e. the worship at the shrine of the unholy triumvirate of Father TIME (for 'billions' and 'millions' of years), Mother NATURE (for the miracles of adaption, natural selection & speciation) and Charles DARWIN, their de facto scientism-driven messiah-of-choice.      

4. The Hallmark of the Secular Humanist. The hallmark of the secular humanist is his adamant, blunt denial of the fact of SIN ('Queens of Denial') in society, where phenomena such as immorality and criminality are dismissed as a cultural illusion in favour of their ‘moral relativism’ with the adage: “There is nothing inherently good or bad, but only thinking that makes it so!” 

   Now, if that were really true, then:

- why does Richard Dawkins say,"Religion is evil!" (?) 

- why do aheists, secular humanists and the ACLU object and vehemently complain when pupils bring their Bibles to school and dare to pray on the school premises i.e. if 'there is nothing evil' and 'only thinking that makes it so'? 

5. God is Warning them as I write (and as they read!).
   “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! ... Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!” [Isaiah5:20-21].

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