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Tuesday 6 July 2021

Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism Or Creative (Theistic) Evolutionism?

1. Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism or Creative (Theistic) Evolutionism? Are these two worldviews really different? Why can’t both cohabit peacefully in the world of intellectuals and perambulate in tandem over the symposium landscape of academia without all these vexing questions? The truth is that these two major branches of Evolutionary Theory are complete opposites in ideology, forever mutually exclusive and doctrinally incompatible. I do not support either of these two worldviews. 

2. Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism. This worldview operates from the point-of-departure that:

- there is no God, Intelligent Designer or Supreme Creator involved in the creation, managing and maintenance of the Cosmos 

- ‘Evolution’ happened/happens spontaneously by random accident without any outside help or a specific cosmic purpose

- the Bible is not true or valuable, there is no Life after Death, no Gospel and no God and Jesus Christ to forgive sins.

3. Creative (Theistic) Evolutionism. This worldview attempts the impossible, i.e. to forge an unholy matrimony between (i) Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism and the (ii) Genesis Creation Record, with its hybrid brainchild, ‘Creative Evolution’. These two major branches of ‘Evolu-tion, however, are totally incompatible and mutually exclusive, so they anyway cannot both be right (valid) at the same time. Some notes:

3.1 The literature (including websites, lectures on YouTube, debates, books etc.) refuting Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism are bountiful and readily available.

3.2 As far as Creative (Theistic) Evolutionism is concerned, simple logic has shown that it cannot be correct (valid), for instance:

   (a) Scenario #1: Should Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism ever be found to have been correct (valid), then Creative Evolution cannot be correct (valid) because it needs a Creator (God) in its equation to qualify as a viable theory, a requirement forbidden by Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism.

   (b) Scenario #2: Should Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism ever be found to have been incorrect (invalid), then Creative Evolution canonce again not be correct (valid) because it needs ‘Evolution’ in its equation as a viable theory, cancelled out by Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism being incorrect.

4. For the Record. The author supports Biblical Creationism (read all about in this blog).

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