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Monday, 5 July 2021

Biblical (Young Earth) Creationism vs. Darwinian (Old Earth) Creationism

1. Revisiting Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism. When reading literature on Classical Darwinism one would soon discover that Classical Darwinism leans predominantly toward Atheism as a worldview (or ‘religion’) of choice, hence the term Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism for the remainder of this article.

2. The Two Major Pillars Of Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism. These are:

2.1 There was (and still is) no God, Supreme Being or Intelligent Designer in existence involved with the creation and the managing and maintenance of the Universe.

2.2 The Universe came into existence (cosmically/geologically/biologically) by the random accident of (brainless, mindless) 'Darwinian ‘Evolution’ without any particular purpose and without the help of a supernatural Creator/Intelligent Designer.

3. Darwinian (Old Earth) Creationism. This worldview, i.e. Creative Evolution or Darwinian (Old Earth) Creationism attempts to fuse Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism and the Genesis Creation Account into a single worldview that will, intellectually and spiritually, hopefully satisfy those people who believe in some kind of ‘Evolution’ and a ‘Creator’ of some kind.

4. Biblical (Young Earth) Creationism. Biblical (Young Earth) Creationism believes that it would be theologically untenable (and absurd) to believe that God (the Creator) would be Omnipotent (Almighty) enough to create a Universe in ‘13.8 billion years’ but not Omnipotent (Almighty) enough to do it in six ordinary days of 24 hours each (about 6000 years ago). What alien brand of 'omnipotence' is that?
   Biblical (Young Earth) Creationists are, for instance, willing to (in principle) concede that God could have made the Universe in 13.8 billion years for the simple reason that nothing is impossible with God. They insist, however, say that although it may have been possible, it was, considering Biblical testimony and the Genesis Creation Account, improbable since it would not have been necessary for an omnipotent God.
   The problem is that the Darwinian (Old Earth) Creationists are not preprepared to make that concession to Biblical (Young Earth) Creationists  by for instance conceding that God must obviously have been omnipotent enough to could have created the Universe in six ordinary weekdays of 24 hours each (even if He hadn't).

5. The Paradox. So here we now arrive at a theological-philosophical paradox where: 

- The Biblical (Young Earth) Creationists are ascribing to God ('first class') absolute omnipotence;

- The Darwinian (Old Earth) Creationists are ascribing to God only ('second class') relative (curtailed by His own physics) omnipotence.

- The Bible is ascribing Absolute ('first class') Omnipotence to the God of the Bible.

6. The Omnipotence Quiz. Decide on your worldview about the omnipotence of God below by answering the question: "How Omnipotent (Almighty) Do You Believe Is God Really?"

"In my opinion, the God of the Bible (the YHWH of Moses and Mt. Sinai and the Ten Commandments) is:

- Absolutely Omnipotent!

- Relatively Omnipotent!

- Very Omnipotent!

- Just a little Omnipotent!

- Not Omnipotent at all!"

7. Rationale for Biblical (Young Earth) Creationism’s rejection of Darwinian (Old Earth) Creationism by referring back to the 'Master Template' of the atheists, i.e. Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism.
7.1. Darwinian (Old Earth) Creationism cannot be possible where Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism were found to be CORRECT (VALID) because Darwinian (Old Earth) Creationism needs God in its equation to survive as a viable theory.

P.S. In Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism there is no God.

7.2 Darwinian (Old Earth) Creationism can also not be possible where Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism were found to be INCORRECT (INVALID) because Darwinian (Old Earth) Creationism needs Evolution in its equation to survive as a viable theory.

P.S. Were Classical (Atheistic) Darwinianism found to be INCORRECT/INVALID there would be no such thing as 'Evolution'.

8. The problem of the superficial 'Two Opposite Worldviews' dichotomy. Just in case of objections ... the superficial Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism versus Darwinian (Old Earth) Creationism 'dichotomy' illustrated in paragraph 7 was first superficially created by the evolutionists (evolution-minded atheists & theists) and not by this author; therefore this author reserves the right to use the superficial dichotomy to point out the error of the Darwinian (Old Earth) Creationists, another hybrid dichotomy (Darwinian [Old Earth] Creationism versus Biblical [Young Earth] Creationism) that wouldn't have happened had Darwinian (Old Earth) Creationists simply been willing to accept the spiritual integrity of the Bible (and especially the miracles of the Bible and the bona fides and integrity of Jesus Christ) on face value.

9. Summary. As far as the atheist-evolutionists are concerned they must feel free to believe what they like ... it's a free country. There 'religion-of-choice', it would appear, is Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism and it probably will remain that way until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ unless they repent and believe the Gospel; for, in the atheist-evolutionist's bizarre world (i) everything 'evolves' except evolutionists and (ii) there is no such thing as 'Absolute truth' except the absolute truth of atheism.
   Be that as it may, it is my submission that Darwinian (Old Earth) Creationism:  

- makes a mockery of Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism, as both these two opposite and mutually exclusive wordviews, i.e. Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism and Darwinian (Old Earth) Creationism  cannot both be right (valid) at the same time;

- makes a mockery of Biblical (Young Earth) Creationism, as both these two opposite and mutually exclusive worldviews, i.e. Darwinian (Old Earth) Creationism and Biblical (Young Earth) Creationism cannot both be right (valid) at the same time;

- makes a mockery of the Old Testament miracles and Biblical timeline i.r.o. the Genesis Creation Account and the testimony of Cultural and Biblical History well-attested by Biblical Archaeology;  

- makes a mockery of the miracles of Jesus Christ who never needed 'millions of years' to change water into wine, multiply a few loaves and fishes to feed thousands, learn to walk on water, raise Lazarus (and others) from the dead and rise form the dead Himself;

- makes a mockery of the Genesis Creation Account that affirmed Adam as the first man ever (since before Adam there was yet 'no man to till the ground');

- makes a mockery of the bona fides, testimony and integrity of Jesus Christ who personally attested to the authenticity and veracity of the Genesis Creation Account by affirming the existence of Adam and Eve; Noah, the Ark of Noah and the Flood of Noah; 

- makes a mockery of the Old Testament (outside the Book of Genesis) that affirms the existence of Adam and Noah and Noah's Flood; 

- makes a mockery of the New Testament Epistles that affirm the existence of the first man Adam and the first woman, Eve;

- makes a  mockery of God's assumed omnipotence by ascribing to Him a kind of omnipotence that is somehow subservient to His own created Laws of Physics;

- makes a mockery of the doctrine of the New Heaven and New Earth as described in Revelation 21;

P.S.  If it had taken 13.8 billion years to make this present Universe and 4.54 billion years this present Solar System (and Planet Earth), must we surmise that Christians are going to wait billions and millions of years for the New Heaven and New Earth to arrive too?     

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