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Friday, 2 July 2021

Wolf vs. Sheep

1. Wolf. The wolf (Canis lupus) is a ferocious canine and carnivore. It hunts in packs and feeds on large wild hooved animals, smaller animals, live-stock, carrion and garbage.   Packs are ideally led by an Alpha male & female pair. Because wolves are territorial animals, fights between wolves reportedly is a principle cause of wolf mortality. On average a male wolf may weigh up to 40kg and stand anything between 105-160cm at the shoulder with females at 37 kg and between 80-85cm at the shoulder. Wolves are mainly found in North Ameica and Eurasia.

2. Sheep. The sheep (Ovis aries) is a quadrupedal ruminant animal kept as livestock by sheep farmers e.g. in Australia, New Zealand, the British isles, some central South American coun-tries, among others. Domestic sheep are the most numerous of all sheep. The male (‘ram’) may weigh anything between 45-160kg and the female (‘ewe’) between 45-100kg. Sheep may range anything between 90-180cm in length and stand 65-127 cm at the shoulder. Sheep are strongly gregarious flock animals and in Tibet are sometimes used as pack animals. They have peri-pheral vision with good hearing and smell. They have been domesticated for millenniums for agricultural purpo-ses. (Acknowledgements: Wikipedia).

3. Which Species Will Prevail Over The Other? Sheep apparently number in the one-billion worldwide and wolves only 300 000. Since numbers would not really be the determining factor in a hypothetical Narnia-style ‘war’ between wolves and sheep, wolves (apex predators in the wild) probably would have a nice head start considering their legendary strength, stealth and matching ferocity.  For instance, wolves reportedly killed 10 000 sheep in the French Alps in 2016.                                       

4. The Final Verdict. The final question of which species finally would prevail over the other in the end is a no-brainer: In the long run and final analysis the SHEEP would prevail over WOLVES for the simple reason that SHEEP have a SHEPHERD and wolves have none. Jesus says: 

   “I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. I am the Good Shepherd, and I know those that are Mine, and I am known by those who are Mine. [John10:11,14].


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