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Thursday 1 July 2021

Why Sensible People Will Not Waste Their Time With Satanism

1. Do the Math. It should be a brand of logic so plain and simple than even an aardvark with a serious brain injury ought to be able to grasp it;  the same Bible and the same Jesus Christ that said that there is a GOD (the ‘YHWH’, the ‘I AM’ or ‘Jehovah’ of Moses and Mt. Sinai) affirmed the existence of the Devil (‘Satan’); the same Bible and same Jesus Christ that said that there is a Heaven also affirmed the existence of a Hell, whether we like it or not (and Jesus Christ never lied). So, how:

► some ‘Christian’ denominations can teach there is no ‘Hell’ boggles the mind; if anyone really had had the authority and power to scrap Hell from the Bible and expunge it from our theology then we, of a logical necessity, would have had to be consistent and scrap Heaven from the Bible and our theology too.

► Satanists chose to worship Satan instead of GOD (the ‘YHWH’ of Moses and Mt. Sinai) is most perplexing; for the same effort and price they could have chosen the Almighty; instead they went for a created being, i.e. Satan (‘Plan B’?).  The Bible is the only authoritative source of note that reveals and affirms the existence of Satan; if the authority of the Bible is then accepted by the Satanists i.r.o. the persona  of the Devil, why won’t they accept the authority of the Bible ir.o. the persona of the Almighty … an infinitely wiser choice?

2. The elusive art & science of inglorious Decisionmaking. Read the Gospels and how the citizens of Jerusalem, and specifically those in the madding crowd confronted with the choice between Jesus Christ and Barabbas, and who then chose Barabbas, described in the Gospels as an insurrectionist, a robber and a murderer. [John18:40; Mark15:7].

    Dismissing and rejecting the Author and/or Prince of Life, Jesus Christ [Acts3:15; 5:31] as no more than a no-good rabble-rouser of a public nuisance, they chose Barabbas, a no-good insurrectionist, robber and murderer to be released for them instead.

     After two millennia the same inglorious decision-making is still going on today; people still trample the august, humble Carpenter-Rabbi from Nazareth underfoot with their choice of Satan as their god and hero. Be that as it may, note the remarkable resemblance by comparing the profile of Satan with that of Barabbas:

► Satan the INSURRECTIONIST.  Luke10:18; Jude1:6; 2Peter2:4; Revelation3:9; 12:7,13,17; 20:12,7.

► Satan the LIAR, ROBBER & MURDERER. John8:44; 10:10.

   Jesus Christ has taught: “Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit.” [Matthew12:33].

3. A Case in Point. During the reign of the ‘Third Reich’ and World War II (1933-1945)  Adolf Hitler has had ample opportunity to conquer the world and demonstrate the superiority of the Nazi regime and his so-called ‘Aryan race’. Instead he bungled one battle after the other, especially with the two conflicts the Battle of Britain and his pièce de resistance, the Battle of Russia and fired some of his best generals as ‘incompetents’ or for insubordination only to go on and make a sorry mess of his war effort, so much so that in the end (1945) he has had to capitulate and exit the world stage in pretty ignominious fashion.

   What was his problem? In plain language … he was a World War 1 ‘Lance-Corporal’  in the uniform of a World War 2 ‘Supreme Commander-In-Chief’ who had had no training in (or any idea of) the logistics involved in and demanded by moving great armies across immense theatres of war … and the same with Satan.

4. Choosing Satan.  Sensible people serious about their future will therefore not waste their time with Satanism for the fact of the future awaiting Satan.

   “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.  And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And who-soever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” [Rev20:10,13-15].

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