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Thursday 1 July 2021

The Strange Paradox Of 'Hate Crimes'

1. Introduction. The idea of or case for the legal concept and term of ‘Hate Crimes’ can, it would appear, more or less defined as follows:  “An act motivated by (some types of) bigotry, hatred, or bias and manifested as discrimination against certain minorities.” Also:  At the federal level, a crime motivated by bias against race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability.”  [The US Dept. Of Justice).

   The term ‘hate crimes’ is an odd, out of place misnomer which logically suggests such a concept as ‘love crimes’, i.e. crimes committed against persons because one ‘loves’ them. There anyway probably are enough laws in the justice system to describe just about any kind of crime today, with the possible exception the everchanging field of technology etc. where the relatively new and novel term  e.g. ‘cyber-crime’ now springs to mind. Why the category ‘hate crimes’ should be accorded special, elevated status comes across as somewhat superfluous. Besides, any criminal act on the law books can, should the need arise, be loaded with ag-gravating circumstances calling for a stiffer sentence in specific (‘hate crime’) situations and to accommodate criminologists with profiling and research.  Some notes:

1.1 Proposition #1. ’Love’ cannot be legislated by governments anymore than ‘hatred’ can be delegislated, as it has never been legislated in the first place.  The choice to love or to hate is, legally, a free choice founded on the principle of ‘freedom of association’.

1.2 Proposition #2. There probably are in existence enough laws and categories of crimes to cover just about any kind of harm illegally and maliciously visited upon any person for whatever reason which ought to make the odd expression of ‘hate crimes ‘ superfluous.

1.3 Proposition #3. All crimes are hate crimes.  Coming back to the term ‘hate crimes’ as odd; it is akin to saying that all unlawful acts are illegal (or vice versa). All crimes are by default ‘hate crimes’ anyway that will in the final analysis represent some kind or another of bigotry or bias against someone in society:

Hijacking is a bias against people with cars

Embezzlement is a bias against people with money and the employees and shareholders of the affected company

Burglary/Housebreaking is a bias against people with furniture and TV-sets

Bank robbery is a bias against the shareholders of the bank, its management and employees.

Tax evasion is a bias against taxpayers, the Revenue Services’ employees and the Fiscus.

State capture, corruption and fraud on government level (in conjunction with private individuals and ‘big business’) is a bias against taxpayers in general, against the employees and shareholders of the businesses that have been unethically excluded from tender and pro-curement processes as well as against citizens countrywide who have been defrauded out of services (housing, health, education etc,).

The persecution of e.g. Christians, Muslims and Hindus in places where these groups are in the minority is a bias against religious minorities (the way Adolf Hitler was biased against Jews, Christians and Jehovah’s Witnesses during WW2). The same is true where religious majorities persecute or confront religious minorities unnecessarily without extreme provocation (by e.g. Jihadist terrorists etc.).  

2. The term ‘Hate Crimes’ is an indictment against humanity and secular governments. The confusion of legislators and (secular) governments i.r.o. the issue of ‘Hate Crimes’ was born the day the Bible, the only source of true moral authority in the entire world, and Christianity were banned from the unhallowed halls of parliament and public schools.

   Do the math: Who in his right mind would ban the only Book that teaches citizens:

- to love others the way they love themselves 

- that to love people is the fulfilling of the moral law, 

- that they should do no one any harm and that one should love and pray for one’s enemies?

Who but those who today are battling with the problem of ‘Hate Crimes’, violence in schools and violence and heinous crimes against minorities?

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