1. Riding the Crest of the Wave. As things stand today, atheists, agnostics, secular humanists, communists, fascists, wannabe 'cyborgs' ('cyborgology') and even satanists are riding the crest of the wave in their quest toward ideological dominance and intellectual supremacy. One after the other academics, educationists, scientists, philosophers (and even theologians from the progressive, ‘avant garde’ postmodernist perspective) are ingratiating themselves into universities, colleges, seminaries, the government and all kinds of institutions of higher leaning in order to ridicule, dismiss and shelve ‘old school, fundamental’ Christianity with contempt.
2. Their traditional weapons of destruction. These may include books; textbooks; encyclopaedias; magazines; science journals; newspapers; bulletins; debates; talk-shows; brochures; training manuals; tourist guides; lectures; museum exhibits; research; fossil collections; publicity campaigns; lobbying for research grants from government and/or big business; data-banks; Internet archives, websites & blogs; computers, iPads, cell-phones, radio; television; satellite technology; GPS; modern technology and all kinds of scientific instruments of observation etc.
3. The Onslaught. Whether in books or on Internet blogs, during debates or in lectures (irrespective of the medium) the onslaught comes in waves of vitriol rife with anti- God cynicism, sarcasm, banality, profanity and, in extreme cases, even blasphemy. These agents of doom and atheistic death-after-death cult may be poor illiterates, highly educated academicians and/or scientists brandishing post-graduates degrees or multiple doctorates. Their books sell by the millions and are lauded by the New York Times as ‘NYT-bestsellers’ of considerable distinction, making such authors glow blushingly like flustered teenyboppers or wannabe supernovas at book-signings and promotions in swanky malls driven by cutting edge technology and publicity campaigns.
4. The Ultimate Reality Check. There will come a day when the towering waves of success, fame & fortune they
are riding today will crush into the granite of the indestructible
tablets of God’s judgments. As Cecil B. de Mille has said:
“One cannot break God’s Law … one can only
break one-self against God’s Law.”
With respect to the Mercy and Grace (‘God’s Redemption At Christ’s Expense’) of God founded on the suffering, death, sacrifice, resurrection and righteousness of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ has issued a dire warning to the world at large:
“Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels … For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” [Mark8:38; Matthew-16:26].p
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