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Friday, 2 July 2021

Knowledge Not Worth Knowing

1. Introduction. As an ‘old-timer’ already in the sunset-season of my life, I would advise young people in the prime of life not to waste their precious time with knowledge not worth knowing. Some examples below.

1.1 Atheism.  Dubbed the ‘New Dead Poets Society’, this death-cult still believes in death-after-death and dismisses the existence of Absolute Truth (GOD) while, ironically, adamantly insisting on the ‘absolute truth’ of the morbid worldview of  Atheism.

1.2 Astrology. A field of study so obsolete it was already dismissed as a hoax as far back as thousands of years ago during Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) times [Deuteronomy4:19]. People who still dabble in Astrology to have their 'horoscopes' ('horrorscopes'?)  cast are wasting their time with a superstition at least three millenniums out of date. 

1.3 Spiritualism. The practice of ‘consulting or calling up the spirits of the dead’ is condemned by GOD in the Bible [Leviticus19:26; Deuteronomy18:11; 2Kings21:6; Isaiah8:19]. How any serious, educated person from the 21st century can still indulge in this medieval, infantile fancy (and actually dare to unethically & immorally make money from it!) boggles the mind.

1.4 Scientology.  This cult, totally dismissive of and indifferent to the GOD from the Judeo-Christian traditions of the Bible, nevertheless still has had the audacity to register itself as a ‘church’ (i.e. ‘Church of Scientology’) ... and how expedient.  It nevertheless has all the trappings and appearances of a full-blown UFO cult.

1.5 Scientism. The ideology that worships ‘science’ as the ultimate solution to all the problems and challenges facing mankind. Science is a good servant but a bad master as the cities of Hiroshima & Ngasaki  could well testify and as all the new and better bombs and missile to destroy cities and peoples’ lives so aptly demonstrate.

1.6 Darwinian Creationism. As if the pagan worldview of Classical (Atheistic) Darwinism was not enough, Darwinian Creationism (‘Creative Theistic Evolution’) has recently emerged as a convenient Appeasement Theology for those ‘theists’ in the Church (or in the Intelligent Design, Old Earth Creationism movement) still in favour of Darwinism.
   Ironically, after 'millions of years of progressive evolution' (sic) mankind's mortality rate for every generation in every nation is still 100% ... when will 'Evolution' ever learn to get it right?

1.7 The 'Things of an Infant'. Too many too supply an exhaustive list. Examples of worldviews and ideas to take cognizance of but not to embrace as belief-systems: 

   Marxism; Neo-Nazism; Neo-Fascism; Christian Science; Christian Atheism; 'World Transformation Movement'; Dianetics; Sikhism; Taoism; Islam; Hinduism; Buddhism; Asian & Oriental Mysticism; African Mysticism; Ancestral Worship/Forefather Veneration; Voodoo; Uniformitarianism (Darwinism); Scientific Pantheism (Atheism-Evolutionism); Mormonism, Russellism (JW), Secular Humanism, Transhumanism & Posthumanism; Postmodernism & Interfaithism (Religious Syncretism); Pro-Choice Expediency Abortions, Antifa, BLM, Critical Race Theory (CRT), Psychoanalysis (Freud), LGBTQ philosophy, Pre-Adamite Race Theory, Fortunetelling etc.  The Bible says:

   "When I was an infant, I spoke as an infant, I thought as an infant, I reasoned as an infant. But when I became a man, I did away with the things of an infant." [1Corinthians13:11].   

2. Reality Check. Jesus Christ (i) did not need ‘millions of years’ to multiply the loaves and the fishes (i.e. to create new matter at will) during the feeding of the thousands and, during His ministry on earth, has (ii) personally affirmed the veracity of the Genesis Creation Account and the historical Noah’s Flood: 

   "But as the days of Noah were, so shall be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered into the arkAnd they did not know until the flood came and took them all away. So also will be the coming of the Son of Man." [Matthew24:37-39].

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