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Thursday 1 July 2021

In Defence Of Absolute Truth

1. Discussion. “There is no such thing as ‘Absolute Truth’” will surely go down in history as one the favourite mantras of the atheist, agnostic, pagan, skeptic and secular humanist of the 21st century; it is one of those surreptitious ways in which to say that there is no God (i.e. no Intelligent Designer or Omnipotent Creator considered by Christians as the epitome of ‘Absolute Truth’).
   Is it, however, really true? Do the math: If there were no such thing as ‘Absolute Truth’, then the speaker himself would not really be speaking the absolute truth, would he? Furthermore, if the speaker was not telling the ‘Absolute Truth’, then he was, for all intents and purposes, actually lying and, if lying, his assertion, “There is no such thing as ‘Absolute Truth’” would be wrong (untrue) and could not hold. Half-a-truth is the same as half-a-lie.
   The consequence of this discovery i.e. that his assertion i.r.o. the merit of ‘Absolute Truth’ was wrong or false would mean that there is such a thing as ‘Absolute Truth’ after all. In the final analysis we are thus confronted with one mammoth moral dilemma for the atheist to con-tend with, explain or justify to the world: 
   How is it ideologically possible for the atheist (or ‘secular humanist’) to live with the philosophical anomaly where the atheist insists that there is no such thing as ‘Absolute Truth’, and, at the same time insist that ‘Atheism’ as an ideology is absolutely true? The term ‘Atheist’ will thus of necessity have to be redefined as, “A person who believes that there is no such thing as ‘Absolute Truth’ except for the ‘absolute truth’ of Atheism!”

2. Conclusion. Were the statement, “There is no such thing as Absolute Truth!”:

- true, then we would anyway be back at ‘square one’ (‘Absolute Truth’) because the speaker would by his own admission lying; 

- false (untrue), we would also obviously be back at ‘square one’ (‘Absolute Truth’) again because the speaker has been lying all the time in the first place. 

   In His great wisdom God has ensured that the abovementioned statement (“There is no such thing as Absolute Truth!”) in the mouth of any speaker (albeit theist or atheist) will always be auto-destructive in each case … ABSOLUTE TRUTH shall, in orher words, prevail.

Jesus Christ has said:

   “To this end I was born, and for this cause I came into the world, that I should bear witness to the TRUTH. Everyone who is of the TRUTH hears My voice.” [John18:37b].

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