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Tuesday 6 July 2021

Darwinism (Progressive Evolution) Finally Exposed

1. 'The Evolution of God'. In reply to Robert Wright’s book, The Evolution of God (2009), evolutionist Nicholas Wade (b.1942) writes as follows: ”Evolution seems to me a sufficient explanation for the moral progress that Mr. Wright correctly discerns in the human condition, so there seemed no compelling need to invoke a deity.”

2. What 'moral progress'? The million-rouble question here is: What moral progress is Mr. Wade talking about? Some cases in point (2018/2019 statistics: Check government websites for latest statistics, i.e. 2019/2020):

2.1 Drunken driving. South Africa (RSA) holds the world record for drunken driving. Fifty percent (50%) of deaths on the roads involves a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.05 grams per 100 ml.

2.2 RSA Liquor consumption. RSA citizens are of the heaviest drinkers in the world, i.e. >31% of people over 15 yrs of age consume alcohol with 28.9 litres of pure alcohol per capita consumed annually.

2.3 RSA Divorce rate. The RSA has a divorce rate of 4 in 10 marriages.

2.4 RSA Murder. In the RSA 58 people are murdered every day.

2.5 RSA Sexual assault. In the RSA 114 people are being sexually assualted or raped everyday.

2.6 RSA Common assault. Common assaults: 444 per day.

2.7 RSA Common robberies. Common robberies: 142 per day.

2.8 RSA Robbery with aggravated assault: 384 per day.

2.9 RSA House Burglary: 605 per day.

2.10 RSA Carjacking: 44 per day.

2.11 RSA Cash-In-Transit Heists: 183 in 2018/2019.

3. Citing socio-economic causes for this decay are no longer valid. I was born on one of the richest, if not indeed the richest, gold reefs in the world, i.e. the Main Reef of the Witwatersrand ('White Waters Ridge') and only an hour's drive from where the world's biggest gem-quality diamond (the 'Cullinan') in 1905 was found.  South Africa ought to be one of the wealthiest countries in the western world, but it is being raided and fleeced by crime and corruption of all and diverse kinds, on corporate as well as on government level, e.g.:

3.1 the multi-billion rand ‘State Capture’ saga currently being investigated by the prohibitively costly Zondo Commission of Inquiry; and

3.2 the (organized, premeditated, whitecollar) VBS Bank Heist, an 'inside job' the biggest in the RSA’s history.

4. Moral ‘progress? So, the secular humanists' talk of 'moral progress' sounds empty and hollow against the backdrop of these statistics and facts, and their “No compelling need for a deity” disingenuous (at best) and totally nonsensical (at worst). 'Evolution' (sic) is devolving fast and we need the GOD (the YHWH of Moses and Mt. Sinai) and Jesus Christ more than ever in all of modern history. 
   Another question springs to mind: Except for a 100% mortality rate for every generation is this all that 'Evolution' can further offer the world (and South Africans) after 'million of years' of 'progressive evolution'?


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