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Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Dangers Of Scientific Pantheism (Atheism-Evolutionism)

1. What is your Moral Compass? Openmindedness can be innovative and progressive … as long as we are not so openminded that our brain eventually falls out! This can happen when educators and politicians replace time-tested Judeo-Christian values in Education & Politics (even in Economics!) with e.g. a religious cult like Darwinian Evolution, a pseudo-science (atheism-evolutionism or scientific pantheism) devoid of any reliable system of ETHICS and a MORAL COMPASS at all. On what authoritative moral grounds do parents subscribing to such a system tell their children that 'stealing' is wrong ... because the municipal regulations and the police say so?

2. Crime. Do the math: If ‘Evolution’ were really true (i.e. valid) then why, in the absence of a credible gold standard of a moral compass like the Bible, why would murder, robbery, rape, hijacking, kidnapping, human-trafficking, burglary, embezzlement, money-laundering, gangsterism & racketeering be wrong or immoral? What would make 'state capture', fraud, corruption, racketeering, bribery and tender-collusion in the corporate (business) and government sectors wrong or immoral?

3. Judeo-Christian values. Judeo-Christian values have come through centuries on the anvil of history and through the crucible of time, a refining process that included many errors, tears and trouble to create civilisations based on moral law and the principles of divine justice, e.g. Roman-Dutch Law, English-Scots Law and the law of precedents in the Common Law system, supported and enhanced by reasonable, commendable indigenous laws and customs.

4. Deciding between Right & Wrong. Atheist-Evolutionists (Scientific Pantheists) are in a quandary; how must they decide (and how can they know) the difference between RIGHT and WRONG? Who determines morality for them … Dawkins, Russell, Hitchens, Nye, Krauss, Darwin, Stalin, Marx, Hitler or Secular Humanism’s dicey ‘situational ethics’, 'freethought', 'consequentialism' and ‘moral relativism’? 

- 'Situational Ethics' is not an ideal moral compass because situations may sometimes dictate a type of morality in breach of Biblical values and principles, in other words, in breach of God's principles and values;

- 'Freethought' is not an ideal moral compass because mankind is notoriously depraved and should not be allowed free license to do what he freely contemplates to do without the adult supervision of God through the moral compass par excellence of God's Word, the Bible; 

- 'Consequentialism' is not an ideal moral compass because even judges, magistrates, advocates, defence attorneys, criminologists and the police will tell us that many, if not most, crimes go unpunished without any deterring consequences at all; and

- 'Moral Relativism' is mot an ideal moral compass because God has clearly warned (and the Bible clearly teaches) that, "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; and call darkness light and light darkness!"   

  When any person sees a crooked line, he immediately recognises it as crooked, because he knows what a straight line is supposed to look like. Without the ‘gold standard’ of a straight line (like the Bible) to compare against, however, how will we ever tell that a line is crooked? When the scientific pantheists (atheist-evolutionists) opted for their brand of ‘cosmology-theology’, they discarded God’s straight line, the Bible … the Creator’s Gold Standard and Moral Compass for the Cosmos. God warns: 

   "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; who put darkness for light and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those wise in their own eyes, and bright in their own sight!" [Isaiah5:20-21].

   “For My people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me, the Fountain of living waters, to hew out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water.” [Jeremiah2:13].

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