1. The Kalām Cosmological Argument. In terms of the familiar Kalām Cosmological Argument* most reasonable people today believe in the phenomenon of cause and effect and that everything that begins to exists in the Universe must have had a cause.
* Named after the kalam (medieval Islamic scholasticism) from which its key ideas originated. [Wikipedia].
2. What Christians believe. Christians believe that God spoke the Universe into existence ex nihilo (from nothing) as described in the Genesis Creation Record and also is the Original Author of the Bible who has sent Jesus of Nazareth (the Christ) to earth as the long-awaited Messiah of the Israelites (today’s Jewish Nation) and Saviour of the world. God must have caused (among others):
- Space, Time & Matter (the Cosmos); the galaxies; stars; solar systems; planets; moons etc.
- The Periodic Table of the Elements;
- The Electromagnetic Spectrum;
- Acoustics;
- Universal Gravitation;
- The Weak & Strong Nuclear forces; and
- Life on Earth etc.
3. The debate. When hardpressed to provide answers for how the Universe, according to 'Evolutionary Theory', could have emerged spontaneously by sheer random accident without a Creator or any specific cause or purpose (e.g. what or who caused 'Evolution'?) some atheists often may challenge the idea of ‘Cause & Effect’ and object by saying that ‘Evolution’ probably has happened spontaneously by random accident without a ‘cause’.
This is, however, disingenuous as they themselves often invoke ‘causes’ to explain Evolutionism, e.g. (i) 'Evolution' caused a 'singularity'; (ii) a ‘singularity’ (i.e. ‘nothing’) exploded to cause the ‘Big Bang’; (iii) the ‘Big Bang’ caused the Cosmos and (iv) blind, brainless 'Evolution-driven' ‘Natural Election' caused biological life and for species to proliferate on earth etc. ad infinitum from some spurious primordial soup of chemicals harassed by lightning. Some more (off-the-cuff) questions to evolutionists:
- Who or what caused 'Evolution'? (for instance, did 'Evolution' cause the 'singularity' or did the 'singularity' cause Evolution)?
- Who or what caused the 'primordial soup of chemicals'?
- Who or what caused the 'lightning'?
- Where can skeptics go to see the 'Geologic Column' displayed in nature exactly as depicted in evolutionists' encyclopaedias, textbooks and on wall-charts? Does it even exist outside theoretical constructs developed in textbooks and scientific journals?
- Where can skeptics see examples of 'transitional ('transmediary') fossils' representing the thousands of evolutionary stages between early hominids and modern man, e.g. the thousands of stages between Mrs. Ples (Cradle of Humankind, South Africa) and modern man?
- How can evolutionary scientists have the courage to say that a scientifically unverifiable 'millions of years' (sic) old fossil represent observable and measureable empirical evidence based on protocols that allegedly have followed the scientific method?
- How can evolutionary scientists have the courage to say that a photo of a scientifically unverifiable galaxy and images of a cosmos of '13.8 billion years' (sic) old represent observable and measureable empirical evidence based on protocols that allegedly have followed the scientific method?
4. The Mother of all questions. Having illustrated above that even evolutionists have conceded the validity of 'cause & effect' in nature, why have evolutionary scientists thus far, in their cavalier dismissal of the Genesis Creation Record, failed to provide answers for the questions below ... questions that really matter:
4.1 Where do we (mankind) come from?
4.2 Why are we here?
4.3 Where are we going?
4.4 How do evolutionists/atheists decide between (morally) right and wrong?
4.5 Is there hope for mankind and planet earth?
4.6. Is there life after death?
4.7 Why would a group of people (e.g. atheists, evolutuonists, secular humanists etc.) preach, teach and spend valuable time, labour and money on a cause that has no hope to succeed given the fact that (i) there, according to them, is no life after death (no Hereafter) and (ii) the hard fact of a 100% mortality rate for every generation of mankind?
4.8 If the Cosmos is really 13.8 billion years old; the earth is 4.54 billion years old and life on earth only a few million year old, why can't 'Evolution' get it right? Why can't 'Evolution', after all these billions and millions of years of 'progressive evolution' (sic), not offer mankind something better and more hopeful than a 100% mortality rate for every generation?
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