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Sunday, 4 July 2021

Behind Bars?

1. "There are no 'Moral Absolutes!'" Many an atheist, agnostic, modern suburban ‘neo-pagan’ or sworn secular humanist today are languishing behind the ‘bars’ of the intellectual ‘prison cell’ of atheism, agnosticism or  skepticism, for instance ‘bars’ of such alien beliefs as: “There are  no moral absolutes!” If so, then how can the speaker be ‘absolutely’ sure about it? In terms of his philosophy he may actually be lying to himself and not speaking the ‘absolute truth’ at all, in which case there may be such things as ‘moral absolutes’ after all. It would, however, appear as if atheists do not believe in 'Absolute Truth' ... except (ironically) for the absolute truth of atheism. 

2. “There is no God!” Scientists today have conceded that they only know about 5% of what is going on in the Cosmos; the rest (95%) is composed of (‘unexplained’, ‘undetectable by astronomical instruments’) dark matter + dark energy. God may thus be obscured from their view or observations in the 95% of the Cosmos they cannot yet explain. Likewise, scientists have conceded that they only about 10% of the oceans have been explored and that 90% of the oceans are still veiled in obscurity. If scientists have, after these (so-called) 'millions of years' (sic) managed to get a handle on the oceans, how long is it going to take for them to get a handle on the secrets and dynamics of the Cosmos? Against such a murky academic and scientific backdrop what gives even the most learned and gifted of scientists even the remotest right to say, "There is no God!" (?).

3. ”There is no Life after Death!” Atheism is the textbook example for how a cult has embraced the religion of Death-after-Death. Should the assertion be true and valid that there is no such thing as life-after-death, then what would make murder, robbery, assault, theft, embezzlement, gangsterism, racketeering, crime, genocide, discrimination and racism wrong or immoral? Furthermore, if this is such an important tenet for atheists to uphold then why do atheists who are judges uphold in Jurisprudence the Judeo-Christian values (e.g. the 'Ten Commandments') that forbid these things? Are they then not indeed hypocrites in breach of their own moral code and principles?

4. “Life has no Purpose or Meaning!” Think about it ... if this were true then we would not have known about it. The very fact that we can even think about or contemplate this idea already demonstrates that life has meaning and purpose.  

  In his book, 40 Days, Alton Gansky writes how Harry Houdini, the escape artist,  had failed time and again for two hours to open the lock on a door to a prison cell. The secret was that the cell had never been locked in the first place. Gansky writes:

   “Houdini worked himself to near exhaustion trying to achieve what could be accomplished by simply pushing the door open. The only place the door was locked was in his mind.”

5. Behind bars?  Here’s the deal: The door to the intellectual prison cell of ‘Atheism’ is locked from the inside; the only thing holding the atheist inside is his PRIDE. The Bible says: 

   “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good." [Psalm14:1b].

   "The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts." [Psalm 10:4].


Gansky, Alton 40 Days.

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