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Sunday 4 July 2021

Be Still And Know That I Am God

1. Proposition #1. God is the Ultimate Authority in the Universe; He is the Absolute & Infinite Creator who, when He wanted to swear by an authoritative Name, He has had to swear by Himself. [Isaiah45:23; Jeremiah22:5; Hebrews6:15].

2. Proposition #2. God’s ways and thoughts are infinitely higher and more exalted than anything man is capable of. For lack of a better description I insist that God has an (assumed) I.Q. of Infinity to the power of Infinity, or INFINITYinfinity. Philosophers may, on the other hand, prefer to refer to Him as ‘Mysterium Tremendum’ or ‘Mysterium et Fascinans’. 

   "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." [Isaiah55:8-9].

3. Proposition #3. The highest of heavens, yes, even the heaven of heavens, cannot contain God, demonstrating the futility of trying to prove either the existence or non-existence of God by searching for Him in ‘outer space’; one will not find Henry Ford in the engine compartment of a Ford automobile. [ 2Chr2:6; 1King8:27].

4. Proposition #4. God the Father is the Chief Justice in Heaven’s Courts of  Absolute & Infinite Justice. The only avenue of appeal to the Chief Justice is to appeal to God through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Jesus Christ, however, will be the presiding Judge at the Great White Throne Judgment in Eternity. [Matthew3:17; 11:27; 19:28; John3:35; 5:22; 14:6].

5. Proposition #5. God is powerful, big and small enough to (i) number and name all the stars in the Universe and to (ii) fix each and every broken heart in the Cosmos. [Psalm147:3-4].

6. Proposition #6. God’s primary dwelling  place is known as the ‘The Father’s House of Many Mansions’ probably situated in what the Apostle Paul referred to as ‘Paradise’  or the ‘Third Heaven’. [Jhn14:1-4; 2Cor-12:2-4]. God also dwells with the contrite and humble in spirit [Isaiah57:15]. God’s Holy Spirit also dwells in the bodies (hearts) of believers. [1Corinthians3:16-17; 6:19].

7. Proposition #7. The Persona of God is Absolutely & Infinitely deep and complex, so much so that even the Spirit of God ‘searches (investigates) the deep (mysterious) things of God’. [1Corinthians2:10].

8. Proposition #8. God is humble of Heart. [Isaiah57:15; Zechariah9:9; Matthew11:28-29].

9. Proposition #9. God is powerful and gifted enough to e.g. call solid matter out of nothing. [Genesis1:1; Romans4:17].

10. Proposition #10. God is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. [Job36:5;; Ps147:5; Pro3:19; Rev1:8; 19:15]. The atheist that thus  purports to prove that there is no God will have to:

- be present everywhere in the Universe all at the same time 

- while, at the same time, knowing everything there is to know about the Universe and 

- being ‘almighty’ enough to travel every square millimetre of the Universe expeditiously at the same instant to accomplish his ambitious mission.

11. Proposition #11. In this Cosmos (and beyond) there are 'secret things' and 'revealed things'. The Bible says: "The secret things belong to Jehovah our God, but the revealed things belong to us and to our sons forever, so that we may do all the words of this Law." [Deuteronomy29:29]. The secret things belong to God, so get over it.

12. Proposition #12. The ultimate irony is thus that only God Himself is in every conceivable way equipped with the scientific gravitas, stature, knowledge, wisdom, power and authority  to ever prove there is no God and (get over it): An eagle does not jump into a cage of its own accord.

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