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Sunday, 4 July 2021

Atheism: River Of No Return

1. Atheism vs. Christianity. The world is currently caught up in an ideological war of ideas in a clash of civilisations of spectacular proportions, i.e. a clash between e.g. postmodernism, agnosticism, atheism, secular humanism (e.g. moral relativism & situational ethics) consequentialism and freethought on the ‘Left’ vs. our time-tested (conservative) Judeo-Christian values, Judaism, Christianity & the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the ‘Right’.

    When such a set of polarized values and ideas are being contested it may involve all and diverse kinds of debates, heated rhetoric and a narrative replete with cynicism, vulgarity, profanity and even blasphemy.

2. What if the (conservative) Christians are wrong? If, at the end of the age (if any at all) the Christians will have been proved to have been wrong all the time, they would obviously be embarrassed, flustered and disgusted with themselves and their exposed (false) ideology. The Bible, the Ten Commandments and the Gospel and life of Jesus Christ  will then have been exposed as the greatest hoax in all of human history and, hypothetically speaking, a cultural ‘ice-age’ of despondency and hopelessness will fall like a huge dark cloud over the Christian world and its pockets of communities scattered over the surface of the earth in a kaleido-scope of nations, colours races, nations, tongues and geopolitical dispositions. 

   The unthinkable will have happened in a dark & somber world bereft of the blessed hope of the Christian faith of the imminent return of Jesus Christ to take His ‘house-hold of faith’ to live with Him in the ‘Father’s House of Many Mansions’. [John14:1-3].

3. What if the atheists, agnostics, secular humanists & postmodernists are wrong? In this case (cynically referred to by some as 'Pascal's Wager') the hard words, i.e. the flotsam & jetsam of bitter invective, profanity & blasphemy directed at God, the Bible, the Church at large and the Gospel of Jesus Christ over many centuries will flow inexorably forth in a filthy stream of scum, sludge, sleaze and pagan vanity toward the lethal precipice of leisurely regrets, infamy & damnation, so reminiscent of this verse by the Persian mathematician & poet, Omar Khayyam (1048-1131): 

   “The moving finger writes and having writ, moves on; Not all your piety or wit shall lure it back to cancel half-a-line, nor all your tears wash out a word of it.”  

 4. Are you ashamed of Jesus Christ?  The Apostle Paul writes:  

   “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” [Romans1:16].

   Jesus Christ has warned:

   "For whoever shall be ashamed of Me and of My Words, the Son of Man shall be ashamed of him when He shall come in His own and in His Father's glory, and that of the holy angels." [Luke9:26]. 

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